We have lambs!

A few months back I got up with Tom Wilson at Edgeworth to talk sheep. I told him, “I want you to talk me into them….or out of them.”

Tom is a soft-spoken Scot from the borderlands who is an expert trainer of sheep dogs. To watch the dogs work with Tom is magical. Edgworth hosts sheepdog trials each year, typically mid to late October and you should go!

Tom, his lovely and brilliant wife Florence, and I sat around the table talking sheep and they just about talked me out of them. We spent a lot of time talking too about how to get the girls more integrated into the farm. The suggestion of bottle lambs was a good one. These are lambs that won’t be able to nurse off their mother because there are three lambs and two teats. So, one has to be bottle fed. It was a great idea.

But on the way out, Tom had an epiphany. He said, “Why don’t you buy three pregnant ewes off of me that way they can really have an experience. One ewe for each girl.” So the deal was done.

Our first ewe would lamb within 16 hours of arriving at The Meadows. I had to leave town, so Lauren had a crash course in lambing. She was fantastic. Then, while still gone, another lambed. The third did decide to wait for me, but was easiest of all.

These Katahdin lambs are great. Come and see them!


Lamb update


A Tribute to the meadows