A Tribute to the meadows

This was written by 6th grader Georgia Vogel, the daughter of our longtime friends Dan and Campbell. We love hosting them at The Meadows!

The Meadows

A greenland

With no houses, buildings, or civilization

as far as the eye can see.

Purple lilacs plodded

from here to there

Covering the abyss 

with everlasting color

With green grass waist-deep

and abandoned burgundy barns

rustic beauty looms over the farm

With “that old smell”

Crawling into our noses from every angle

Here is where creatures roam

and animals reside

As we pluck the ticks off 

and find them in our showers

With the group of sheep

comes farm chores *groan*

And Mosby, of course, attentively patrolling,

watching every second

just in case one goes astray

Cluck, Cluck! Goes the chickens 

Suddenly, oh! An egg!

A fresh and delicious egg fried up for breakfast in the morning

Straight from the farm

As we watch the railroad tracks 

stretching across the back,

carrying trains, homeward bound

The sunset unfurls across the sky

The peace cascades upon us 

and beauty shows itself to us


We have lambs!